How important is Newsletter Segmentation in our Email Marketing strategy?
An important weapon in email marketing is newsletter segmentation. More specifically, by segmentation, we mean the division of subscribed newsletter users into smaller segments based on defined criteria.
By segmenting the newsletter list, we are able to separate users based on their interests and personalize the content of the newsletter they receive.
Newsletter segmentation helps to create a strong marketing strategy by increasing email engagement and attracting the right customers.
Develop our digital presence, with better targeted actions through a deeper understanding of our audience’s needs and preferences.
Incomplete segmentation acts as an obstacle to the development of our brand and this is mainly due to not effectively understanding the needs of each registered user, and therefore to ineffective targeting.

So it is a big mistake, in the field of email marketing, to treat every single registered user in the same way.
The larger our email list is, the more segmentation possibilities we have, giving us the opportunity to segment it into active and inactive users and separate them based on their interests.
According to the latest user data from the Mailchimp platform, segmented campaigns receive 14.37% more opens and 64.78% more clicks than non-segmented campaigns.

So why shouldn’t we treat every registered user the same way?
Just as in a retail store the service to each customer is differentiated according to their needs, each newsletter recipient should receive specialized content relevant to their interests.
This differentiation is due to the fact that every customer has different needs and reasons why they have subscribed to our list and we, in turn, as a brand, have to successfully respond to this, namely their satisfaction, through targeted and personalized content that we will provide.
A typical email list includes people who may be focused on the educational content of our newsletter and blogposts, people who are interested in product and sales content or offers, etc.
Therefore, when the content we show them does not meet their immediate interests and does not add value to their interaction with the brand, there is a significant chance that users will not open the newsletter we have sent them, delete it or even unsubscribe from our list.
Providing personalized content protects us to a significant extent from such situations by piquing the user’s interest, increasing Customer Loyalty and enhancing brand awareness by creating a loyal fanbase that improves the sales cycle.
The specially tailored content remains engraved in the user’s memory even for a future purchase.
Which tools help us in the segmentation of our Email list?
There are many great platforms that act as important tools in email marketing and by using them we can easily implement our strategy effectively, while making sure that the right customers receive the right message at all touchpoints.
Some of these platforms are: Constant Contact, Mailchimp, Drip, Sendinblue, AWeber, ConvertKit, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, InfusionSoft, HubSpot.
Of course, it is not enough just to use these tools for the proper segmentation of email lists, a key aspect is the knowledge of customer needs that the business has built over time.
So what are the advantages of Newsletter Segmentation on our email list?
A key benefit of Newsletter Segmentation is the improvement of audience targeting, which in turn contributes to the increase of open & click through rate and sales / leads.
Newsletter segmentation, therefore, is very useful in terms of delivery (spam filters) and helps to improve the Deliverability rate.
This is observed as it allows us to provide personalized content to our users, resulting in increased engagement & conversion rates.
Also, as mentioned above, segmentation is very important if we are facing delivery problems in the newsletter, as it can work based on subscriber loyalty and open rate.
What are the General parameters of our email list segmentation:
1. Demographics/ Geographics
By Demographics, we mean some demographics of our audience, such as age, gender, professional orientation, as well as place of residence-work etc.
Based on the demographics we can customize & target the audience we want.
It is important in this part to obtain as much information as possible about the user during the registration process in order to better segment the user.
2. Email Engagement
When segmenting based on Email Engagement, the Open rate & the Clickthrough rate play a very important role.
Based on these statistics we can customize the loyal and inactive audience and create some automated campaing to make the inactive users active.
At the same time, active users can be targeted with product newsletters.
3. Website Behaviour
Based on user Behaviour, targeted messages can be sent about the pages the user has visited.
4. Volume-Purchase-Last Purchase and spend
Segmentation based on Last Purchase and customer based categorization:
• Frequent Buyers
• Buyers who have made a unique purchase
• Customers who have not made a purchase
5. Abandoned Shopping Cart
A common phenomenon in E-commerce is abandoned shopping carts.
A customer retarget can be performed with a call to action button or message.
6. Personalize/ Marketing personas
Segmentation through customization of email registration questions on the site and categorization based on the marketing personas we have built into our brand marketing strategy.

To sum up, we could say that based on all of the above, newsletter segmentation should be an integral part of our email marketing strategy as it puts in its own unique way, its stone in the success of our email campaigns, drastically and effectively.
Provides targeted digital marketing through a deeper understanding of preferences and needs and the effective allocation of sales and marketing resources.
The digital presence of our brand is developed through the optimization of targeted actions and the attraction of the right customers by maximizing cross/up selling.
We could reasonably say that newsletter segmentation leaves nothing to chance, let alone our newsletter campaigns, acting as a guide in targeting our audience, as according to research, segmented and targeted email campaigns account for 58% of the total email ROI.